(Optional) Create additional MIDI Busses in the new window by clicking on the + sign. Double-Click in and the new window, make sure that Device is Online is ticked.

You will see all your MIDI devices here, and a red Icon (that may be greyed out) named IAC Driver. **-**Go to Window>Show MIDI Studio or press Cmd+2. **-**From Spotlight, go to Audio MIDI Setup. Mac users only need the latter because Apple has the built-in IAC Driver for MIDI routing, while PC users only the need the former, as their install of REAPER comes with ReaRoute, which takes care of the Audio Routing.
If you ever wondered how to use Logic Pro X Scripter to output MIDI to Ableton, capture it in REAPER all while streaming to OBS, this video will give you all the tools to do that!įor this set-up we need a Virtual MIDI Bus and a Virtual Audio Interface. The alternative(s) I'm gonna show you today take longer to setup, but they work for any DAW, not just ReWire-compatible ones, and both the audio and MIDI parts of it work both ways, and even for more than 2 DAWs and applications. ReWire, as we saw last episode, is quick and easy but unfortunately it's no longer supported, and while someone showed me a way to enable it for Ableton 11, it's still something we're gonna have to learn to live without, so we might as well get to it! Today we're looking at my alternative to ReWire for Routing Audio/MIDI between REAPER and other DAWs.

How to Route Audio & MIDI Between Any two DAWs & Sync them! (Rapid-fire REAPER Tutorials Ep80/81)